How I Can Help You
Therapeutic coaching using RTT and a transformational recording tailor made for you.
1 hr 30 min
70 British pounds1 hr 30 min
Enhanced in person RTT/ Hypnotherapy and coaching, with a tailor made recording to listen to.
1 hr 30 min
70 British pounds
I am a therapeutic/Life coach. You might be wondering what that means. It means I blend both RTT ( rapid transformational therapy ) and the Law of Attraction with the techniques of coaching. This way I support you holistically as you work towards your goals.
Because I believe what you need is within you, I facilitate/guide you to clear away those thoughts and beliefs that keep you from being and doing what you want. I help you unblock the resistance in you that stops you from seeing and knowing the innate wisdom, resilience and power within.
You know how to have the life you want and what to do, you just don't see it or know it at the moment.
Working with me you can release resistance so you can align with your inner being and in turn allow more of what you want in your life.
As a coach I don't have the answers, but I can help you find the answers you seek within you, because you always know what is best. My job is to guide you to get in tune with yourself.
The Process
A discovery call
A session in person or zoom
A personal recording
optional coaching/follow up
During a therapeutic/Life coaching session we may use:
Rapid Transformational Therapy
Rapid Transformational Therapy or RTT is a technique created by Marisa Peer.
Using hypnotherapy RTT can be broken down into 4 parts:
1) Investigation - we find the root cause of the symptoms/behaviour exhibited.
2) Interpret - we interpret the reasons for the beliefs/the why?
3) Interrupt - we interrrupt the old ways of thinking, previously held beliefs.
4) Install - we reframe old beliefs and install new better/good beliefs.
A recording is made to install and embed the new beliefs and it is required listening each day for the next 21 days.
Hypnosis is an intense focusing of the mind on inner processes to the exclusion of anything else. It is a state of intense concentration and you have probably experienced it when you have been totally immersed while reading a book, watching TV or daydreaming about doing something, unaware of what is going on around you. Hypnotic trance is the state that hypnotherapy utilizes to help people heal themselves. By applying the techniques of hypnosis your subconscious mind is accessed in order to find solutions to your problems. Therapy occurs after hypnosis has been used to induce trance. Then the suggestions used to alter and achieve goals are made.
Law of Attraction Coaching
The Law of Attraction is a term coined to mean that your thoughts create your reality. That means all our thoughts, and we end up by default attracting what we don't want in our lives rather than what we want. For example, if you want to lose weight, but you keep thinking about what you don't like about your current body, your'e focusing on what you don't want and attracting more of that!
What I do as a coach is listen deeply to understand where your'e creating these conflicting beliefs, the beliefs that are running your life. I help you become aware of those thoughts and beliefs and help you focus on creating new thoughts and beliefs that line up with your desires. I hold the space where you can safely explore and grow, reflect on your insights and make new choices, successful decisions that lead towards achieving your goals and what you want.